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simple css compiler written in php

2012-07-28 20:56 dennis iversen

Tags: php css

Blog entry showing how to make a very simple CSS compiler with PHP and CSS, without much effort.

auth plain smtp

2012-06-07 14:18 dennis iversen

Tags: php smtp

This short piece of PHP code generates valid AUTH PLAIN for smtp servers, at least Postfix. Can be used when testing smtp with telnet.

unique id with multiple tables using sphinx

2012-05-28 03:27 dennis iversen

Tags: mysql sphinx

How to create unique ids with multiple tables using Sphinx

NO-IP client written in PHP

2012-05-17 13:34 dennis iversen

Tags: scripts-and-functions no-ip

Small and simple PHP client for the no-ip.com API for hosting domains on a dynamic IP.

apc crashes when no file is uploaded

2012-04-09 19:55 dennis iversen

Tags: php apc ubuntu

Fixing APC upload bug when no file is given in upload field. Complies to PHP 5.3.5-1ubuntu7.7 on Ubuntu 11.04

build php solr extension on ubuntu linux

2012-02-14 17:07 dennis iversen

Tags: apache2 solr php

I had a few problems building the php5-solr extension with the regular pecl command on my Ubuntu 10.04 box, so this will show you how it is done. I guess it will work with other versions of ubuntu as well.

subdomains with dnsmasq on localhost

2012-02-10 17:09 dennis iversen

Tags: dnsmasq linux

How to use multiple sub domains on localhost for web development with dnsmasq.

The lyf so short, the craft so long to lerne

2012-02-01 16:56 dennis iversen

Tags: Quotes

"The lyf so short, the craft so long to lerne." - Chaucer

rename files recursively php

2012-01-31 17:14 dennis iversen

Tags: php scripts-and-functions

A couple of function to use in order to rename a directory recursively. Needed it at my work and could not find anything that worked the way I excepted.

simple event dispatcher php

2011-12-29 17:48 dennis iversen

Tags: php scripts-and-functions

Most simple example of an event dispatcher I can think of. Written in PHP